A trapdoor function is a function that is easy to compute in one direction yet believed to be difficult to compute in the opposite direction finding its inverse without special information called the trapdoor.
Trapdoor one way function example.
An example of such trapdoor one way functions may be finding the prime factors of large numbers.
It is a one way function and.
Such a function is hard to invert unless some secret information called the trapdoor is known.
To calculate xfrom f a trapdoor one way function has one more property that with certain knowledge it is easy to invert to calculate x from f x there is no proof that trapdoor one way functions.
In mathematical terms if f is a trapdoor function then there exists some secret information t such that given f x and t it is easy to.
Not being one to one is not considered sufficient of a function for it to be called one way.
A trapdoor function is a function that is easy to compute in one direction yet difficult to compute in the opposite direction finding its inverse without special information called the trapdoor trapdoor functions are widely used in cryptography.
The concept of function is defined and some example.
A collision free hash function f is a one way function that is also collision resistant.
Is a trapdoor one way hash function if is also a one way hash function i e if additionally.
Nowadays this task is practically infeasible.
A trapdoor one way function or trapdoor permutation is a special kind of one way function.
This video gives a motivation and a general idea about the concept of one way function in cryptography.
Then there is an efficient algorithm that on input produces such that for some trapdoor key.
On the other hand knowing one of the factors it is easy to compute the other ones.
In mathematical terms if f is a trapdoor function there exists some secret information y such that given f x and y it is easy.
A trapdoor one way function is a function that is easy to compute but computationally hard to reverse easy to calculate f x from hard to invert.